Resultado da pesquisa (2)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Nascimento R.A.P.

#1 - Immunohistochemical detection of Clostridia species in paraffin-embedded tissues of experimentally inoculated guinea pigs, p.4-8

Abstract in English:

Assis R.A., Lobato F.C.F., Serakides R., Santos R.L., Dias G.R.C., Nascimento R.A.P., Abreu V.L.V, Parreiras P.M. & Uzal F.A. 2005. Immunohistochemical detection of Clostridia species in paraffin-embedded tissues of experimentally inoculated guinea pigs. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):4-8. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos 6627, Cx. Postal 567, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil. E-mail: Blackleg is caused by Clostridium chauvoei, whereas malignant oedema is caused by C. chauvoei, C. septicum, C. sordellii, C. perfringens type A, and/or C. novyi type A. Anti-C. chauvoei, anti-C. septicum, anti-C. sordellii and anti-C. novyi type A polyclonal antibodies were produced in rabbits and purified in a column of DEAE-cellulose. Aliquots of the antisera were conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate and the remaining was used for the streptavidin biotin peroxidase technique (SBPT). SBPT was standardized to detect C. chauvoei, C. septicum, C. sordellii and C. novyi type A in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of guinea pigs. SBPT was compared to a fluorescent antibody technique (FAT). Sections and smears of muscle from inoculation area (MIA), heart, liver, spleen and kidney, were obtained for both SBPT and FAT. Cross-reactions between the different Clostridial species were not observed. C. chauvoei and C. septicum were detected in all specimens from the animals inoculated with these microorganisms, while only sections of muscle obtained from all the animals inoculated with C. sordellii and C. novyi type A were positive. The same results observed by the SBPT, were obtained on tissue smears of these microorganisms stained by the FAT. The results indicate that SBPT is suitable for detection of C. chauvoei, C. septicum, C. sordellii and C. novyi type A in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of guinea pigs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Assis R.A., Lobato F.C.F., Serakides R., Santos R.L., Dias G.R.C., Nascimento R.A.P., Abreu V.L.V, Parreiras P.M. & Uzal F.A. 2005. Immunohistochemical detection of Clostridia species in paraffin-embedded tissues of experimentally inoculated guinea pigs. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(1):4-8. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos 6627, Cx. Postal 567, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil. E-mail: Blackleg is caused by Clostridium chauvoei, whereas malignant oedema is caused by C. chauvoei, C. septicum, C. sordellii, C. perfringens type A, and/or C. novyi type A. Anti-C. chauvoei, anti-C. septicum, anti-C. sordellii and anti-C. novyi type A polyclonal antibodies were produced in rabbits and purified in a column of DEAE-cellulose. Aliquots of the antisera were conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate and the remaining was used for the streptavidin biotin peroxidase technique (SBPT). SBPT was standardized to detect C. chauvoei, C. septicum, C. sordellii and C. novyi type A in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of guinea pigs. SBPT was compared to a fluorescent antibody technique (FAT). Sections and smears of muscle from inoculation area (MIA), heart, liver, spleen and kidney, were obtained for both SBPT and FAT. Cross-reactions between the different Clostridial species were not observed. C. chauvoei and C. septicum were detected in all specimens from the animals inoculated with these microorganisms, while only sections of muscle obtained from all the animals inoculated with C. sordellii and C. novyi type A were positive. The same results observed by the SBPT, were obtained on tissue smears of these microorganisms stained by the FAT. The results indicate that SBPT is suitable for detection of C. chauvoei, C. septicum, C. sordellii and C. novyi type A in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of guinea pigs.

#2 - Caprine enterotoxaemia in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 23(4): 173-178

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Colodel E.M., Driemeier D., Schmitz M., Germer M., Nascimento R.A.P., Assis R.A., Lobato F.C.F. & Uzal F.A. 2003. [Caprine enterotoxaemia in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Enterotoxemia em caprinos no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(4):173-178. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Depto Patologia Clínica Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Cx. Postal 15094, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Five outbreaks of caprine enterotoxaemia in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were studied. The animais were found dead or had a clinical course that usually lásted 2-3 hours. From two farms a clinical manifestation period of 12 hours was reported. Clinical signs were characterized by depression, marked abdominal discomfort, profuse watery diarrhea with fibrin clots, and death. Thirteen necropsies were performed and hydropericardium, hydrothorax and hydroperitoneum were commonly found. The mucosa and serosa of the colon were congested, and its contents was watery with multiple fibrin clots. Serosal hemorrhages and fibrin clots in the gallbladder were also seen. Fibrinous colitis and thyphilitis were the most frequent histological changes. Cerebral microangiopathy was observed in one case, which was characterized by acute perivascular proteinaceous edema around arterioles of the nucleus caudatus and thalamus. Large numbers of Gram-positive rods, of ten in clumps and with morphology consistent with Clostridium perfringens, were seen in intestinal smears. The intestinal contents of six goats were positive for epsilon toxin by mouse neutralization test. These findings suggest that enterotoxaemia is an important disease of goat flocks in southern Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

SINOPSE.- Colodel E.M., Driemeier D., Schmitz M., Germer M., Nascimento R.A.P., Assis R.A., Lobato F.C.F. & Uzal F.A. 2003. [Caprine enterotoxaemia in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Enterotoxemia em caprinos no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(4):173-178. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Depto Patologia Clínica Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Cx. Postal 15094, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: São descritos surtos de enterotoxemia em caprinosem cinco propriedades no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os animais afetados eram, normalmente, encontrados mortos ou apresentavam evolução aguda de 2 a 3 horas com acentuada depressão, cólicas abdominais e diarréia profusa com fibrina. Em duas propriedades relataram-se casos com a evolução de até 12 horas. Em treze animais necropsiados observaram-se aumento de líquidos nas cavidades abdominal, torácica e pericárdica, congestão e hiperemia da serosa e mucosa do intestino, conteúdo do cólon líquido com fibrina além de hemorragias de serosa e fibrina. Em um animal constatou- se microangiopatia cerebral caracterizada por acúmulo de material homogêneo e eosinofilico no espaço perivascular. No conteúdo intestinal, colônias com bastonetes morfológica e bioquímicamente sugestivos de Clostridium pe,fringens foram caracterizadas no estudo bacteriológico. A soroneutralização em camundongos com conteúdo intestinal dos animais afetados, revelou a presença da toxina épsilon. Estes achados evidenciam a enterotoxemia como doença de importância para criação de caprinos no Rio Grande do Sul.

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